i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Anon0154: Ha-ha-ha. Whatever man.
Missykerlynn: Hahahas, me too!
I'm saving up for boyf's bday! :x
Yuling: I miss you lah!
Will you be coming to zouk on sat with us to
celebrate my bday? :D
Hehehe, next mth i wanna change hairstyle already!
Anon7833: Hhahahas, i am so so so chinese.
Not mixed blood. (:
:x : Thanks for loving my blog babe! Hahahas!
Passenger: Goodness, what do you expect me to reply?
imagine i say, oh you must thank you dad for your big dick.
what would you reply? -.-
Passerby: Hahahas! Oh!
Abc: I wished! *pouts*
Haahahas, yah lah the bag is like damn big and heavy.
Passerby: I think he got it from Takashimaya! (:
Germs: Hahahas, your nick is so cute.
Germs. :x Anyway, yah they gave me to me as a
surprise gift to thank me for the advertorial!
But i emailed TheBlackSequin and she said
she'll tell me when she can get hold of stock of that necklace.
Will update on my blog when she has them! (:
D: Hey babe, yes i ordered them from a local spree!
you can order directly from them as well if you've a CC. (:
A mere 5 days to my 18th Birthday!
I'm sooooo excited, celebrating with boyf in the day,
then going to Zouk with my besties at night.
I got alot of things to blog about loh!
But as usual lah, my gooooldfish memory.
Total goon man, like i register something into my head,
The next moment it floats away~
Boyf has been terrible ANNOYING recently.
the weather is freaking terrible and
i wanna drift of to my dreamland 24/7~
and he was like..
TMD! Damn gay.. 本小姐 18 only ok!
You 22 so old already i also never say anything
you dare to say me?! Lol.
Met up with my darling afew nights ago,
Don't even remember which night was it.
Goodness, i really need some memory enhancing drugs or.. whatever.
Damn gross loh walao!
We were taking this lift and there was this baby cockroach.
(Eeeeeeeeeeeeew lar! I'm damn scared of cockroaches!
That time i woke my mum up at 3am just to ask her to help
me get rid of the cockroach in my room. :x)
Shirley was like nearest to IT,
and she was like : "eh! Got cockroach leh!"
Step nearer to IT to take a picture. -.-
*Jumps* Looking around and squealing,
squashing each other to the side of the lift. :x
To be Exact...
this was how we looked like:
@#$%^ Shirley Goh is mean loh!
We both like totally freaking out she still there snap snap snap.
And i dunno wth was i doing, or thinking.
Extremely retarded & siao-looking. -.-"
Just for laughs. :x
Hahahas! Felicia has the: "Erm.. my niece is siao" face.
Shirley has quit smooooking!
Like finally, after months of ME smelling her 2nd hand smoke!
3 weeks since her last stick ok, so proud of her!
Anyway, Devil fel was trying to tempt Shirley to smoke!
Then i was like, "NO SHIRLEY, I WILL SPAM YOUR
Awwww, but it's an unlit cigg and in the end
she didnt smoke! LOL!

Fel had to leave really early and then
it was the 3 of us crapping all night till i think 2.30am?
Shir's sis came to pick her up and i went homeeeeeee.
Boyf is finally back from Taiwan and he brought me gifts!
The jill stuart cosmetics are my birthday present~

Caramel, Blueberry, Chocolate popcorn.
Colourful Smocked dress. Red cap. Japanese Magazine,
Super cute lingerie with blingbling.
Jill stuart Foundation. Jill Stuart Brillance eyeshadow.
Jill stuart lipgloss.

He bought this stupid chicken that makes the funniest noise EVER.
Entertained me for at least 30 mins before i got booooored.
I just received my BB creams afew days ago!
I'm addicted to BB creams. :D
My review of the bb creams i have.

1) BRTC Whitening & Wrinkle Repair BB cream
Coverage: Very good coverage, Covers most of my blemishes and flaws!
Although not to the extend that it covers my dark eye rings
but it's def good enough!
Texture: Very thick, as compared to the other two.
It was almost difficult to spread.
i gotta tug and spread the cream on my face,
Later got wrinkles how! ):
Shade: Neutral - Yellow undertone.
Fragrance: Has a very light scent but goes away
after you apply on your face.
Oil Control: I find the oil control for Coggi better than BRTC's.
But it does last thru the day for my skin, So overall.
I pretty much like this.

2) Coogi Flowertox 3action Super BB cream
Coverage: Medium, still looks really natural.
Texture: Abit thinner as compared to BRTC, but it's better!
means i spend lesser time trying to blend the BB cream.
Shade:Slightly pinkish undertone,
Although i'm more of a yellow undertone,
but it doesn't look funny on me.
Fragrance: Has a slight flowery scent, smells lovely!
Oil Control: Best in all three BB creams i have!
Love this the most cos it has SPF 24 ++ as well!
Super time saver! now i can skip my makeup base
and even sunscreen!

3) Skin 79 Super + Blemish Balm Triple function
Coverage: Natural to medium. You can get this of you
want a more devy and natural look.
Texture: more watery than the other two BB creams.
Damn easy to spread and blend.
Takes like, 2 seconds to spread. Hah, kidding.
Shade: pinkish undertone.
Fragrance: Smells like sunscreen to me!
Oil Control: I think the oil control for this isn't very good.
Although once again, i love having the suncreen together in one tube.
Maybe i'll use these on days when i wanna do more of a nude look. (:
I love Coogi Flowertox 3action Super BB cream the most! :D
Ok, I'm damn shagged already loh.
I slept at 4am yesterday, i always wait till 2am
for the next episode of 命中注定我愛你 every sunday night!
And i slept at 4plus.
And i woke up at 10plus to prepare to meet sebas to go to
school to study, and i had my marketing paper at 2pm - 4pm.
Damn shag! Now must go and clean my
guinea pigs cage then i wanna lie in bed,
relax, read abit, and sleeeeeep! Heh.
Show some love and taaaaag dears!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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